
foodie tips

v cudzine, v pohári, v reštaurácii

Bez vermútu ani deň

V jednom sme mali jasno, keď sme sa do Španielska chystali. Budeme piť vermút. Po BarceloneMadride sme vermútom naplno prepadli a nevedeli sme sa ich dočkať. Dokonca sa nám podarilo na vermút „namotať“ aj priateľov, s ktorými sme do Valencie išli. Čo teda nie je nič ťažké, lebo moderné španielske vermúty sú naozaj skvelé a prekvapivé pitie. V Španielsku máme celkovo dilemu, čo si dať skôr, či červené víno, cavu alebo vermút. (A to sme ešte nezabŕdli do sveta sherry…) Ale kým na dobré červené španielske víno alebo cavu narazíte doma pomerne bežne, dobrý vermút si na Slovensku len tak nedáte. A hlavne je to niečo úplne iné, než čo by ste čakali.

v cudzine, v reštaurácii, v šálke

Pálava 2019

Bolo to práve tu, na Pálave a v Podyjí, kde sa pred pätnástimi rokmi začala moja vášeň pre mikrocestovanie a objavovanie priľahlých európskych regiónov. Koniec hraničných kontrol, žiadne pasy, len Schengen, sloboda a milióny možností pred nami. Bolo to tu na Pálave, kde mi po prvýkrát padla sánka z toľkej krásy a pohody. Z úžasu, na akých nádherných miestach ľudia žijú. Hodina a dačo od Bratislavy a úplne iný svet. Okamžitý pocit voľnosti a hojnosti. Slnko a víno. Raj.

English bites

Sweet tooths in Bratislava

The traveling and vacation is a luxury time. When on the road or exploring a new city we likely crave for some treats. And we probably treat ourselves to them. We tend to eat more junk food or sweets or drink alcohol. It is fare and totally fine I guess. But some of us want to indulge, not just binge on anything. So what to do in Bratislava, when you feel like having something sweet?

English bites

Bratislava for Coffee Lovers Found

Central European countries do not typically provide the services and style of the Western nations. However, there are areas where you can experience something even better. For instance specialty coffee (or third wave) cafés, urban bistros and new concepts like food trucks or street-food markets. There is tremendous potential here more than anywhere else in the West as there are still substantial market gaps to fill in and a lack of traditions of some kind. Mainly, when we travel to Munich, Vienna or elsewhere in Austria or Germany, we have quite a hard time to find a decent specialty coffee or simple modern food of an international provenance. Fresh salads, simple soups, brunch-kind of food, vegetarian options, and another light fare. Let alone in an inspirational space, full of bright design, urban mags, jungle plants, hip music, etc. Let it be „hipster“ or not.

English bites

Where the wine flies of Bratislava flock

Wine bars might be my second favorite food venues right after bistros. No kids, no noisy youngsters or perplexed tourists. Wine bars are always a bit invisible and overlooked in the streets as they are mostly open during the late hours. You might agree that it is not a place where the most people dare to be, intimidated by the sophisticated wine world. However, it could pay off to enter as you might unintentionally discover something new in your life. Admittedly it seems you would better know what you want (to drink) in a wine bar more than in any other place.
